Today's Europe is not in the same shape and size as it was in the past. It is dynamically changing, shifting the schemes and affairs it is comprised of, but, we truly want to believe, that the one thing that never changes is the European Values and the European Solidarity. These values reflect on different structures in adult education at local, regional and national level and at individual level.
BestBonds extends the competences of adult educators and improve the European reality with impact on both adult educational and social systems of various dimensions.
The project tackles the most pressing, emerging issues, which partners, adult educators, observe in their daily work with adult learners, coming from many different cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds. These issues concern the educators and the learners in many ways, since the teaching-learning process requires both to be active, updated and present. Even now, riddled by the COVID-19 pandemic, the set of troubles and issues has not changed, if anything, the pressing issues from the time before did only get an additional weight to themselves. Only now, we appreciate more the true value of skills enabling us to work from home, and how important is the ICT aspect in our working lives.
The specific objectives:
- make the learning process, inclusive and as effective as possible; - educators' preparedness and openness; - supply of viable, valid and proper learning methodologies and curricula; - plan tailored activities in cohesion with partners' needs in services offered by educators; - exchange of knowledge and experience to assure the highest level of quality of inclusive teaching.
The specific needs to address: - learners coming from different, often complicated backgrounds, which often become a fundament for future misunderstandings, unintended results, demotivation and, in a later scope, lack of desired knowledge; - form of poor educators' knowledge about the learning process, motivational strategies, linguistic toolsets, methodologies, ICT classroom elements, Social Media and educational policies;
The study: 1. The role of ICT in adult education, activation of language skills and international culture; 2. Education for adults and professional integration of migrants and national minorities; 3. Activation of adults with low competences, including language skills, to undertake the process of professional activation; 4. Transnational competences as a key catalyst for an intercultural adult curriculum;
The mobilities: - 4 TPMs; - 97 local mobilities.
The tangible Results: 1. Online learning space, for all future learning purposes, for both the educators and learners to use; 2. Set of guidelines, intellectually and methodologically valid in accordance with the need of educators and learners; 3. An inclusive teacher's profile; 4. A toolbox for all the lesson plans and scenarios.
The intangible Results: 1. A good practice network; 2. Exchanging and gaining knowledge through international bonds; 3. Improving the sets of offered services by all partner organisations; 4. Being able to pinpoint all of the strong and weak suits of given national formal education systems; 5. Teaching in communicative methodology and hands-on methods to activate learners thus teaching by action.
Impact: - systemic, organisational, educational, teaching material-wise to serve as a future benchmark for adult educators of the future.
Start: 01-11-2020 - End: 31-10-2022 Project Reference: 2020-1-PL01-KA204-081837 Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education