European Schoolnet is a network of 34 European Ministries of Education that aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to their main stakeholders: Education Ministries, Schools, Teachers, Researchers and Industrial Partners. It strives to demonstrate how ICT can support change in teaching and learning. It emerges clearly from the analysis of the European framework that the priority challenge of these years as well as being the improvement of basic, transversal skills, the quality of the education and the training system is the improvement of education in a digitization key. The specific objectives of the project are to:
improve skills, pedagogical and educational tools
promote cooperation to ensure the quality of education
promote innovative work, learning and comparison practices
create synergy between participating organizations, the National Agency and the European Institutions
create synergy between organizationsactive in the field of education, local authorities and participating organizations to promote better quality in education
The activities of the project are:
Coordination and Project Management
O1 Planning and realization of an educational path based on the self-construction of urban gardens for domestic use, with objectives and multidisciplinary methods in theoretical/practical mode, with TEAL methodology
O2 design and prototyping of a specific game-app, to be tested during the pilot workshop. The game-app will guide the kids during all phases of their own kitchen garden from self-construction to management, from sowing to harvesting, vegetable passing through the knowledge of seasonality
International conferences for the transferability of IOs for official presentation to European Commission
Evaluation of the use of TEAL methodology
Mapping, surveying data analysis concerning the educational experimentation put in place