Project Description: Social enterprises are between public and private sectors, they pursue the primary objective of serving the communities in which they are located. Their activites include the creation of employment opportunities for people who might otherwise be unpemployed. The international vision of ESE is to provide different training, working methods and cultural conditions. The specific objectives of the project are to:- support people in the acquisition of basic and key skills applied to social entrepreneurship, in order to promote employability, socio- educational and professional development, as well as participation in civil and social life; - Support Youth workers in order to strengthen their professional development as well as promote actions to support high quality and innovative teaching; - promote EU agenda on youth work; - support the capacities of youth workers in socio-educational activities; - support youth workers in the development and sharing of effective methods to reach marginalized young people; - promote the inclusion and employability of young people with fewer opportunities (including NEETs), with particular emphasis on those at risk of marginalization and from a migrant background. The activities of the project are:1. Comparative study in Europe on the creation and management of a social enterprise, tools and methods for the inclusion of disadvantaged people and tools used in order to strengthening cooperation between organizations and facilitate the exchange of practices. A Manual will be produced based on the comparative study. The Manual will disseminate and exchange knowledge on social enterprise at the European level and beyond. The manual will be in digital and open format. Through the project website everyone can implement the manual by inserting tools, methods, techniques and practice on their territories. 2. The content of the manual will be used to design a theoretical-practical training course on social enterprise. Through this non-formal and informal learning experience we will support the development, recognition and validation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired and we will encourage social entrepreneurship.
3. Web Platform containing all the material produced during the project, the videos of the Territorial workshops events and local stakeholders events. Project Information: Project FB: Project Website:
Funding source: Erasmus+ KA2 Youth
Project Title: European Social Enterpreneur
Project acronym: ESE
Project Code:
The duration: 24 months (01.08.2019 - 31.07.2021)
Project Consortium: CO-LABORY ITALY
Project Partners:
CCIF Cyprus
IED, Greece
Asociatia Centrul European pentru Integrare Socioprofesionala ACTA, Romania
CCIF Cyprus contribution to the project as Partner organization:
Responsible for providing the "Operational Course for Social Innovation" course
The course is based on the manual, staff mobility in Cyprus and local training events "Operative Laboratories, for Youth Workers" and "Operative Laboratories for Social Entrepreneurship"
Exchange of experience in European good practices in matters of working with YP with special needs, education barriers and introduce the social entrepreneurship movement to the local community and region beyond.
Provide input on how to increase accesibility for YP who don’t have access to all level public education, therefore informal learning plays a very important role in increasing their very currently limited opportunities.
Contribution of all partners: • organise "Young people and Social Enterprise" in their territory. • organise "Operative Laboratories for Youth Workers" in their territory. • organise "Operative Laboratories for Social Entrepreneurship" in their territory • attendance at 4 transnational project meetings • send 2 youth workers to the training in Cyprus • local disseminate activities