We ensure that ADULTS learn dynamically and cooperatively while they enhance their employability, their personal motivations, taking into account the previous knowledge of each one and their interests.
Our beneficiaries acquire basic knowledge about the world of work and stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit with a particular focus on social entrepreneurship, making use of the testimonies of operators in the sector. They acquire recognition of Language Learning, new skills and competences. Find out about OLS and Europass!!!
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
3x5 days, 35h each, face-to-face, at Inercia Digital in Huelva, Spain: - Creation of Educational Video Games, Teaching; - Learning and teaching in Social Media Networks; - Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Valuing Eco-Environmental and Social Dimensions.
Transversal skills, creativity, teamwork for the establishment of active networks, interpersonal communication, decision making; Learnt fundamental principles of coding&entrepreneurship in AE; Strengthened educational community members’ interrelationships, collaboration and engagement; Adapted strategic objectives&best practices in sustainable eco-environmental&social dimensions;
Self-direction, transformation, experience, mentorship, mental orientation, motivation, and readiness to learn.
In CCIF Cyprus, we’ve made great efforts into the generation of cyclical feedback processes for our sustainable development, based on the identification and prioritization of needs, for the establishment of coherent and contextualized organizational objectives, and innovation and digital environments, that foster the feeling of belonging and internal motivation.
Firstly, it is considered to apply improvements through the continuous training of our staff, in relation to their level in Digital Competencies. After its thorough evaluation, a series of methodological needs have been detected in terms of the implementation of new technologies in training environments, as well as their integration into the merely professional internal framework. It would be beneficial for our institution to expand our knowledge about digital resources, methods and basic skills, and thus be able to instil it in our beneficiaries. Through the promotion of our digital skills, we want to reflect impact into all areas, both social, business and cultural, so that in the future our users and participants have the possibility of being responsible for their digital identities, actively participating in online processes or projects on their own, that support equality and equity. Nowadays entities like ours need to be able to generate environments of cooperation and teamwork that foster creativity and the establishment of synergies.
Like the last challenge, we are committed to generating in our staff commitment to the principles of inclusion and integration. We want to generate empathy skills so that workers acquire a more open view of their colleagues, the training processes in which they are immersed, and the educational activities and environments in general.
The specific needs of our staff in terms of their professional performance, to be solved with continuous and transversal training processes, are periodically evaluated in our entity, through semi-structured inquiry processes. They consist of participant observation of the sessions of each of our professionals to contemplate subjective issues that may escape in the application of satisfaction questionnaires regarding the level of competence in different areas of development (digital, social, methodological, evaluative, pedagogical, innovative or entrepreneurial, environmental and economic). In its last application, in January 2022, the results showed needs to be prioritized in terms of generating new motivational environments in adult education through programming and social media, to enhance entrepreneurial spirit, given the general confluence of responses that converge in these aspects.
On the other hand, we have detected other needs and challenges more oriented towards personal improvement and related to internal strategic communication. These needs also have a direct impact on the training and benefits of the organization, like any of the soft skills, which we always try to value. One of the main challenges we set ourselves is to develop a growth plan as an entity, which is why we are currently looking for resources and opportunities to do so. Undoubtedly, the ERASMUS + KA122-ADU program allows us to expand knowledge, skills, aptitudes and attitudes; and teach our staff how others work in other places, by the mere fact of developing mobilities. In this way, attention to training courses abroad will be an incentive in achieving our objectives at a didactic, professional and personal level. In addition, we believe that the experience can cause a direct benefit in the moral and affective growth of our staff, improving the feeling of belonging to the organization, one of the fundamental pillars for workers to get involved and develop good practices. We see this as an opportunity for them to feel valued and to know that we want them to improve as people and as trainers. Besides, learning in another country, meeting new people in the same profession, and spending time with them, can have positive effects.
PROJECT ID: 2022-1-CY01-KA122-ADU-000071901